Essays on the theory and practice of magic.
My summaries of what I've learned concerning how magic works, how to work with deities, how to do Shadow work, and so on, as well as some musings.
Essays on being a polytheist, and the history of paganism.
Neopaganism and occultism are often conflated, mostly because of the popularity of Wicca, but they are not the same thing. Since figuring that out, I've begun to study them separately. Occultists can be of any religion, so this section is for the content related specifically to polytheism.
Essays on the nature and experience of the Divine.
In my opinion, direct and personal experience is the best way to come to understand the Divine. I won't claim to know all the secrets of the universe, but I've certainly learned a lot just through my own mystical experience.
Essays on tarot divination.
I'm an amateur, but I've gotten significantly better at tarot divination in recent years. I used to prefer oracle cards, but now, I've really come to understand how useful tarot is as a spiritual and psychological tool.
Essays on alchemical and Hermetic symbolism and philosophy.
My interest in alchemy is mainly theoretical. I want to be able to understand its symbolism and apply it within the context of my fiction writing, but studying it has also taught me a lot about spirituality.
My analysis of Carl Jung's Red Book.
Carl Jung has had a huge influence over me, my creative writing, and my personal spirituality. When I learned that he had created a personal grimoire that recorded his mystical experiences, in the style of a medieval manuscript, I knew that I had to read it.