My Novels

Shadowbook (2023)
A Trilogy
My favorite novel project, which I have been working on for ten years! The last draft was written in 2015, and now I'm rewriting it to bring it up to scratch.
Published Version Coming Soon

Those Who Fly
A Trilogy
A novel project I started working on at fourteen, about winged people who are half-human and half-angel. Because of a quiz I published to advertise it, it became my most-read story on Quotev, with over 36k reads. I've met people in real life who have read it! As amazing as that was, I could not finish it as it was. Once I'm done with Shadowbook, I will rewrite it from scratch! The old version is no longer reflective of my writing ability, but one day, this story will be a masterpiece.
Cover design originally by @DreamingOfFantasies on Quotev.
Wing design by CinnamonKit on Deviantart. Background by Funerium.