Nyx, Astor, and the other significant
characters of Shadowbook.
Full Name: Alexandra Stephanie Wilson Date of Birth: May 2nd, 2001 (10 Flowermoon) Astrology: ☉♉︎ ☽♌︎ ASC♐︎ BML ♒︎ Appearance: Nyx has a pretty, teardrop-shaped face. In her Shadow form, she is as deathly pale as other Shadows. She grew up malnourished, and is therefore somewhat scrawny-looking, but otherwise attractive. Her eyes are sea-green in her Conscious form, but become deep purple in her Shadow form. She has long hair which is strawberry-blonde in Conscious form, and crimson in Shadow form. Folds: Her folds are midnight-blue and black, of medium thickness, and she likes molding them into long, sweeping dresses with the appearance of velvet, silk, or chiffon. She has a fondness for black and silver jewelry. Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight, dominant. Motivation: Nyx thinks that she wants to be free, but what she really wants is to be loved. She wants the dust to settle and to be in a peaceful, stable environment where she’s loved. *She assumes that she doesn’t need to be loved and that forming attachments will inevitably lead to disappointment, until she falls for Astor. Virtues: Strength, bravery determination, intelligence, and independence. She is passionate, dynamic, full of vitality, and naturally optimistic. She’s somewhat obsessed with free will. She’s really interested in activism and tends to be altruistic, both as part of her personality and because of her upbringing. She has a good sense of humor (although cynical). She is also sensual and appreciates beautiful things. Flaws: She tends to be impatient, impulsive, blunt, and hotheaded. She has a short fuse. She can be very materialistic and hedonistic. She’s extremely defiant and stubborn. She is often provocative just for the sake of it, and is drawn towards things that feel forbidden, secret, or taboo. She's good at lying, from needing to lie regularly as a survival skill, and tends to be distrustful of other people. Likes: The colors blue and black, the night sky, swimming, the sea, traveling, nature, taboos and the occult, reading, sex, luxury, and stability. Dislikes: Feeling bored, neglected or oppressed, and uncertainty. Magical Abilities: Umbrakinesis, intuitive foreboding, umbrageous hydrokinesis.
Full Name: His Highness, Prince Astor Peregrine Erebus Adonis Eidolon Nocturne Date of Birth: June 30th, 2000 (30 Mothmoon) Astrology: ☉♋︎ ☽♊︎ ASC♑︎ BML♑︎ Appearance: Astor has a diamond-shaped face, pale skin, high cheekbones, a small nose, long eyelashes, and silvery lips. His eyes are striking violet and have vertical pupils. His hair is long, wavy, raven-black, and it bounces when he walks. He can conjure a pair of magical black wings that extend from his back. Folds: He has five (or six) layers of thick folds. His inner layers are pale lavender. His outer layers are black and deep midnight-purple. Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual, vers, switch (leans dominant) Motivation: Astor is torn between desperately desiring power for its own sake, and also wanting to be a good king for his people. Secretly, he is afraid that he will be a failure, if not constantly stressed and overwhelmed. His parents set a bar that seems impossibly high, so Astor distracts himself from his responsibilities with rampant hedonism. Eventually, as he matures, he tries to find a healthy balance. Virtues: Once he cares about a person, Astor can be remarkably compassionate and generous. He genuinely wants to improve the lives of his subjects. He also does not kill and avoids inflicting severe and lasting harm on enemies. Eidolon half-jokes that this empathetic instinct is what keeps Astor from being an evil overlord. Astor values authenticity above all other traits, is introspective, and is almost always honest. He sincerely loves Nyx and Nicki, and enjoys having passionate and animated conversations with them. He also deeply appreciates beauty. Flaws: He is arrogant, vain, self-absorbed, and emotionally unstable. He is easily-angered and can be impulsive. He becomes selfish and aggressive while angry, and the palace staff stays well out of his way. He is also decadent and licentious, though he does not necessarily consider these flaws. His generally domineering nature is a double-edged sword — he commands respect with minimal effort, which is ideal for a king-to-be, but tends to use intimidation to get his way. Savvies: Magical skill, intelligence, charisma and performance ability, eloquence Ineptitudes: Lack of emotional control, poor social skills despite his charisma, cannot work with other people Likes: Purple and black, cats, bats, horses, sweets, dance, swords, horseback riding, moonlight, forests, gargoyles, magic, flight, travel, sex, luxury in general. Dislikes: Sunlight, bright yellow, awkward social situations, the cold, inauthenticity, boredom, and ugliness. Magical Abilities: Umbrakinesis, telepathy, empathy, hypnosis, illusion and dream magic, Nightmare control, potion-making, limited shapeshifting, pyrokinesis, curse immunity. Power Creep: Astor starts off the story proficient in Umbrakinesis, able to conjure both 2D and 3D constructs. He only knows very basic illusion and dream magic. He does not have his own horde of Nightmares. He is good at potions. He can turn himself into smoke, and conjure purple fire. And of course, he has his curse immunity. By the end of the series, Astor can cast Umbrakinetic spells even in Conscious form and in bright light, and without even needing to move his fingers. He can conjure shade copies of himself. He can turn to smoke in Conscious form (but can’t turn into anything else without rituals). His telepathic abilities remain the same. He commands a terrifying horde of Nightmares. He becomes much more proficient at illusions, being able to conjure entire environments and use dream-visions to mess with people’s minds, but they are difficult for him to maintain. His fire spells become more damaging, as opposed to just being there for effect. He knows more about potion-making and alchemy. He retains his curse immunity. He remains poor at enchantments, and the only ones he can do are those that affect the minds of others (namely, hypnosis and fear). He’s incredibly powerful, but overexerting himself will make him ill. For most people, overexertion causes fatigue and sometimes mental fog, but Astor has a fragile constitution. He’s probably sick for a week or two after fighting Abaddon.
Full Name: His Majesty, King Eidolon Erebus Oberon Endymion Nocturne Date of Birth: July 15th, 1976 (18 Mothmoon) Astrology: ☉♋︎ ☽♓︎ ASC♌︎ BML♈︎ Appearance: Same diamond-shaped face as Astor, pale skin, and long eyelashes. Eyes are indigo-blue with vertical pupils. Has wavy white hair that falls almost all the way down his back, almost always tied in a ponytail. Folds: Five layers, black inner layers and dark blue outer layers, usually molded into elegant blue robes. He likes simple-but-opulent silver jewelry. Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Motivation: To lead his kingdom as well as possible, which in his mind means maintaining the quality of life for most people. Virtues: Eidolon has an absolutely magnetic personality. He is charming, noble, and compelling, as well as ambitious and empathetic. He’s idealistic and optimistic, and has an excellent work ethic; he cares deeply about the wellbeing of his people. His strengths are in his social skills and diplomatic skills, reading a room, and talking himself out of almost any situation with beneficial outcomes. He believes almost any problem can be solved by talking it out. He is easily able to predict the actions of other people, which makes him politically savvy (and good at chess). As with Astor, he is very creative and imaginative, with a rich inner world. He’s also very romantic, generous but pragmatic, elegant and tasteful. His empathy acts as a safety net that keeps him from acting only in his own interest at the expense of his people. He has more humility than Astor, and doesn’t care about being seen as special or important. Flaws: Persuasion is one of Eidolon’s strong points, making him quite manipulative, and he often deceives to get his way. He has a tendency to see life as a giant chessboard replete with power plays. As a young man, his Shadow work centered around reconciling his manipulative and ruthless tendencies with his empathetic nature (the same way Astor has to reconcile his tyrannical tendencies with his empathetic nature). Years of Shadow work has helped him keep selfishness and realpolitik in check, but he can be surprisingly ruthless. Eidos is every bit as emotional as Astor, but hides it better. Likes: Chess, reading dancing, quiet parties, riding horses, birds, theater, gossip, political satire, dim light, hunting, silver. Dislikes: Gold, discord, being deceived by others, bright light. Magical Abilities: Umbrakinesis, empathy, healing. Eidolon’s Court: Lord Edgar and Lady Selene Moonforest Lord Vespertilio and Their Eminence Laufey Duskcombe Lord Almonai and Lady Alcmene Shadestone Lord Aidoneus Avernus and Lady Despoina Avernus Lady Vanessa and Lord Ingram Ravenwick Lady Desdemona Blackwood Lord Nycteus and Lady Philomina Evensong Lady Celaeno Blackthorne Lord Damien Direblood Lady Delilah Ashthorn
Full Name: Her Majesty, Queen Hecate Trivia Morgana Asteria Nocturne Date of Birth: August 13th, ??? (1 Harvestmoon) Astrology: ☉♌︎ ☽♌︎ ASC♊︎ BML♋︎ Appearance: She has a somewhat square-shaped face with a strong jaw and prominent cheekbones. She is very pale, like most Umbragardian Shadows. She has wavy raven-black hair that falls past her chest. Her eyes are bright, vivid green. She is 6’3” and about a head taller than her husband. Folds: Her folds are thick and black, and usually molded into simple robes or gowns. When she adds any color to them, it's often green or silver. Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Motivation: To protect Umbragard and also to train her son and other students in magic and the Mysteries. If she has a deeper motivation, she keeps it to herself. Virtues: Whether this is a virtue or a vice, Hecate is intense, intimidating, and dreaded. She is so feared that she keeps Umbragard safe by her very presence. Although she doesn’t come across this way, she is actually as compassionate as her husband, and will help anyone who comes to her for aid. She is serene and self-assured, and proud whilst having humility. She is wise and easily able to control any situation, so she rarely gets stressed. Flaws: Hecate comes across as cold and unapproachable, even though she isn't actually a cold person. She can be judgmental of people she doesn't consider worth her time or attention. She can also be difficult to get close to. She keeps secrets from absolutely everyone, even her loved ones. Likes: Dogs, snakes, owls, darkness, fire, monsters, the moon and stars, the Underworld, dragons, doing magic for any reason. Dislikes: Being bothered while she’s working. Magical Abilities: Umbrakinesis, telepathy, intuitive premonition, potion-making, enchantment (protection and curses), illusions/dream magic, ceremonial magic and necromancy, Nightmare and monster control, pyrokinesis, human transformation, shapeshifting, portal control. Hecate’s Minions * Empusa: Hecate’s loyal attendant. She appears to be a beautiful Shadow woman, but she is a demon, and even Shadows find her unsettling (which is saying something). Astor is the only other person she will take orders from, albeit somewhat begrudgingly. * Eurynomos: A ghoul who acts as a spy and an intermediary between Hecate and her half-sister, Melinoe. He eats the flesh of corpses with sharp teeth, and can turn into a vulture. Technically, he belongs to Melinoe, but he is loyal to Hecate as well. * Epiales: A Nightmare demon, the leader of Hecate’s Horde. He is much bigger than the other Nightmares in his gargoyle-like form, but he can also take other forms, including that of a large black dog, that of an abomination with many tentacles, and that of a man. He is constantly surrounded by a dark miasma. A few distant rumors speculate that Epiales is (in a way) Hecate’s half-brother, spawned from Zagreus, while others speculate that Epiales is an ancient demon and Zagreus made a pact with him. He is immensely feared. He takes orders from no one but Hecate, Zagreus, and (eventually) Astor. (He has genuine respect for Astor once Astor starts growing into his power.) * Gorgyra: Hecate’s familiar, a large black she-dog. * Orthros: Hecate’s familiar, a large black dog. * Akitophis: Hecate’s familiar, a serpent. Hecate’s Students * Despoina: One of Hecate’s first students, whom she initiated into the Mysteries. Despoina has since married Aidoneus Avernus, and helps Hecate to run the Black Circle. She appears much younger than she actually is. * Medea: Another one of Hecate’s earliest students (whom she might have had a sexual relationship with?). Medea started using her magic for evil very quickly, using powerful magic to get revenge on her former lovers, and Hecate considers Medea one of her greatest failures. Circe met Medea and trained under her. * Iphigenia: * Circe: A young witch from the Conscious world who became too power-hungry and also started misusing the power Hecate gave her, using it to “punish” men much like Medea. Hecate genuinely wanted Circe to be her ward and successor, training her as Witch Queen, but now considers Circe one of her failures. Circe hates Astor both for his treatment of women and because he has replaced her as Hecate’s successor. She teams up with Nepenthe (who outclasses her.) She’s consumed by hate, it’s gendered against men, and it’s intractable. * Astor: Hecate’s son and heir, a magical protegé whom Hecate hopes will be a worthy wielder of her most powerful magic. Hecate knows that Astor has a lot of power, but decides to allow him to slowly figure it out by himself instead of telling him about it directly, to avoid making the same mistake she made with Medea and Circe. She proceeds slowly with Astor’s initiation into the Mysteries. * Jasmine: Jasmine does not have the same aptitude for magic as her brother, so she decided to drop her magical studies except for herbalism. However, she starts working with her mother again after discovering her oracular abilities. Eventually she discovers that she can conjure plants. * Senka: Hecate is very cautious about taking Senka on as a student, but knows not to judge people by their family. She ends up being pleasantly surprised by Senka’s earthy and raw approach towards magic, and teaches her how to shapeshift. * Nyx: Nyx intrigues Hecate. She views Nyx as being a potentially powerful sorceress who has most of her powers slumbering, and slowly wakes them.
Full Name: Her Royal Highness, Princess Jasmine Belladonna Hecate Diana Nocturne Date of Birth: January 5th, 2001. 12th Hollowmoon. Astrology: QJ RB ASC F ⚸ K Appearance: Just as pale as the rest of her family. Her hair is straight like her father’s and black like her mother’s, and it falls almost to her waist. Her eyes are pale blue and have vertical pupils. Folds: She has five layers of relatively thin folds, which are bluish-gray and black. She usually molds them into elegant sheer dresses and black cloaks, often with a brighter accent like blue or white. Gender: Female Sexuality: Asexual Motivation: To establish herself as an active force within Umbragard’s political sphere. Being second to Astor both in the line of succession and in magical power, Jasmine exploits every skill she has to secure as much power for herself as possible. Privately, though, she is content with her garden. Virtues: Jasmine holds herself to a very high standard of excellence. She is disciplined, ambitious, and emotionally composed. She shares Astor’s appreciation for beauty, which she pours into her garden. Flaws: She envies her brother more than she will admit, and many of her actions are driven more by resentment than any sincere desire of her own. Like her father, she can be manipulative. She often has tunnel vision, and struggles to see things from other people’s perspectives. Likes: Gardening, almost all plants (especially flowers), nocturnal animals, music, chess, horses, gargoyles, tea parties, ghosts, precious stones, light blue, Shadowlights. Dislikes: Gold (though not to the same extent as Eidos), discord, sex, people disturbing her garden. Magical Abilities: Shadowlight conjuration, phytokinesis, herbalism and potion-making.
The Court of Shadows
Or the junior court, rather. This is Astor's Court of young nobles and their various dynamics. Astor Nocturne Appearance: Astor has a diamond-shaped face, high cheekbones, wavy black hair, and violet eyes with vertical pupils. Folds: His folds are famously thick and fluffy, five/six layers, and deep purple. He molds them into many dramatic outfits, from simple robes to medieval-style doublets and hose to Victorian suits. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, switch Astor is the king-to-be and stands at the center of his court. All the court dynamics flow around him, whether he is aware of their intricacies or not. He liberally peruses sexual relationships with the other members of his court, but otherwise prefers to keep his distance, although he does feel some genuine affection for them. (Aside from Nyx, his favored lover is Nicholas.) He has an imposing presence, and most of his court is slightly fearful of him. All of them tread warily around him, treat him with reverence, and defer to him always (even if he’s playing a submissive role). The arrival of Nyx changes the dynamic between Astor and the rest of the court, and he starts to open up more. Nyx Appearance: As a Shadow, Nyx has wine-colored hair and bluish-purple eyes. Folds: Nyx’s folds are individually about average in their thickness, but a bit scanty since she hasn’t hunted very much. They are black and midnight blue. Sexual Orientation: Straight, dominant. Nyx is the newcomer to the court and, to the surprise of everyone, Astor’s betrothed. She completely throws out the window the question of which one of Astor’s many lovers he would end up pursuing as a mate, and as a result, changes the dynamic of the entire court. Despite this shock, most of the court take a shine to their potential-future-queen. They admire her valor and toughness, and especially her ability to take Astor’s mood swings in stride. She engages with him as an equal. Nyx is completely unfamiliar with the court’s social dynamics, but is not intimidated by them, and accepts the help of other courtiers to get used to them. Amelia Moonforest Appearance: She has white hair and magenta eyes. She’s two years older than Astor. Folds: Her folds are thin and each layer is individually translucent, but together they are deep black. Unlike the rest of her family, she rarely wears white. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, submissive. Amelia is the heir to Moonforest Manor. She is a social butterfly. She is kind to Nyx and makes her feel welcome. When she hunts, she uses charm and trickery. (She likes hunting Conscious people more than hunting animals with the rest of her family.) She is promiscuous and has almost exclusively casual relationships. She’s nominally dating Theo Ravenwick, though she also has a FWB relationship with Astor. She's not afraid of Astor at all. Theodore Ravenwick Appearance: He has a squarish jaw, dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and burgundy eyes. Folds: Black and red, medium thickness. He molds them into stylish Victorian/Edwardian suits. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, leans straight. Dominant. Theo is a trickster at heart, always taking the piss out of other people. He knows exactly how to get under anyone’s skin (but never takes more than friendly jabs at Astor since an offended Astor is a monstrous force to be reckoned with). Theo knows better than to just go around offending everyone, since he has good political sense. He uses tricks and gossip to his advantage. He’s a sadist in bed, and became a regular lover of Amelia because she effectively counterbalanced him. Nicholas Ravenwick Appearance: Nicholas is identical to Theo, but he wears his hair down. Folds: Black and red, like Theo’s. Nicholas also wears mostly Victorian/Edwardian-ish suits, but a bit simpler. Sexual Orientation: Gay, submissive. Nicholas’ personality is the opposite of his brother’s. He’s quiet, a bit shy, less brazen, but very observant. Somehow, he became Astor’s lover, and Astor calls him “Nicki.” Despite their intimacy, Nicholas is still extremely intimidated by Astor, and often does not even call him by his name, often addressing him as “milord” or similar. He holds no grudge against Nyx, but secretly envies the warm romantic affection that Astor gives to Nyx. Astor realizes that Nicki doesn’t deserve to be treated as a sidepiece, and starts to form an actual romantic relationship with him, putting an end to his pining. With Nyx’s help, Nicholas becomes less meek. He also dislikes politics, but is actually rather good at it. He is obesrvant, hears a lot of gossip, saving it in the back of his mind if it ever proves useful. He is analytical and cunning, but not very assertive. He will likely become Astor’s advisor in the future. He plays the violin. Orpheus “Orphe” Sableshroud Appearance: Orphe has a round face that’s somewhat childish looking, (relatively) short black hair, and dark brown eyes. He’s two years younger than Astor. Folds: His folds are thin and individually translucent. They are black and brown, and resemble bat wings. Sexual Orientation: ??? (probably bi, but doesn’t engage romantically or sexually with anyone) The only son of Ozul and Ophelia Sableshroud, who died when he was young. Orphe was taken in by the King and Queen on the deaths of his parents. His parents’ deaths are very mysterious; he and the monarchs will not discuss it. Although he has a good life, Orphe is often melancholy, and spends his time alone in the dark. He compares himself to Astor more than is healthy, being Astor’s “brother,” but really comes to understand Astor’s perspective when he has to start ruling his parents’ land on his own. Orphe is very blunt, and one of the few people who can tell Astor off to his face without Astor getting angry or offended. Orphe and Astor bond over their shared perspective on leadership. Orphe does have joys in life — he likes bats and helps out in the conservatory. He also likes music and is a talented musician/drummer. Artemis Moonforest Appearance: Artemis has platinum blond hair with a black streak, and black eyes. Folds: His folds are on the thin side, and he usually molds them into black-and-white suits of silk and satin (when he’s not hunting). Sexual Orientation: Straight More introverted than his sister Amelia, Artemis spends much of his time in the woods. He is a masterful hunter. He attends court functions infrequently, and rarely *ahem* engages with the other young adults at court. However, he does develop a crush on Senka, and eventually begins dating her. He strikes others as private and very mysterious. Artemis is transgender and decided to keep his name, but will probably change it to Kimaris midway through the story. He can become a deer at will the same way Senka can become a wolf, and he is ecstatic when he begins growing antlers in deer form. Victoria Evensong Appearance: Victoria has long black hair and deep purple eyes. Folds: She has black folds with medium thickness. She usually molds them into impressive gowns with a Renaissance or Victorian inspiration. Sexual Orientation: Straight, submissive. Victoria makes a show of being an elegant, proper Lady of the Court. She likes powder make up and tea parties and stately waltzes. Noire becomes friends with her almost instantly, and Victoria helps Nyx adjust to the court. Although she really does like the propriety and refinement of court culture, she also likes the other half of it, and is known for being completely shameless at certain parties. Elvira Blackwood Appearance: She has curly brown hair and black eyes. Folds: Medium thickness, black, brown, and russet in color. She prefers to mold them into Victorian-style dresses. Sexual Orientation: ??? Elvira is gothic even by Umbragard’s standards. Her home is an old mansion haunted by the spirit of her great-great-grandfather. She is almost always withdrawn at court, and actually prefers to sit in the library and read sad novels than to screw around (literally or figuratively) with everyone else. She is quiet and a bit intimidated by the other women at court. She’s closest to Victoria, and there are rumors that they’re dating, but no one can confirm this. She also becomes friends with Noire, and she would probably be friends with Orphe if Orphe actually spoke to anyone. She’s friends with Elizabeth Direblood, as they’re kindred spirits, but they live far apart and don’t see each other often. Salome Ashthorn Appearance: She has long, straight, platinum-blond hair and blue eyes. She’s older than Astor by a few years. Folds: Her folds are thin overall, black, red, and plum. She likes to mold them into skimpy clothing, ruffled skirts and tight corsets like a Victorian cabaret girl. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, switch Salome’s family is landed gentry who own a pastoral estate in the Moonlight Moors, and have only just been accepted into the royal court. Salome very quickly becomes friends with Amelia, and endeavors to sleep with as many of the young nobles as she can. Politics bore her, but the relationship drama is exciting. Jasmine Nocturne Appearance: Jasmine has a similar facial shape to Astor, straight black hair, and pale blue eyes with vertical pupils. Folds: Her folds are thin, black and pale blue. She almost always molds them into dresses, everything from simple black to extravagant ballgowns. Sexual Orientation: Asexual Politics is Jasmine’s skill. She would be good at managing the court and its political affairs, but so much of its dynamics are based in love affairs that she takes no part in. She is extremely frustrated that Astor has “hijacked” his court and made it a vehicle for pure hedonism. So, she ironically ends up removing herself from it most of the time, which frustrates her. Jasmine is less intimidating than Astor, but most of the young nobles have a deep and wary respect for her, nonetheless. Despite her frustration, Jasmine still carefully manipulates court dynamics where she can. She also enjoys refined tea parties with the other ladies in her garden. Cryonox Nocturne-Wintersight Appearance: He has short white hair that looks spiky, if not perpetually frosted with ice crystals, and pale blue eyes. Folds: Very thick, a normal four layers but with each layer individually thicker than those of most other Shadows. Mostly white, and ice-blue. Molds them into robes and cloaks resembling swan wings. Sexual Orientation: ??? Cryonox is Astor’s second cousin, and the son of the Duke of Windymere. He’s about as cocky as Astor and even more sharp-tongued, with no regard for the pride of any of the other nobles. He covers up his insecurities by being a bit flashy. Like Astor, he dislikes his regal responsibilities, and they bond over their similar predicaments (and their shared hedonism). Cryonox is not often present at court, both because he lives further away than everyone else and because he’d rather be sleeping than doing almost anything, so he’s not as involved with the other young nobles. He has more affection for his mother Khione’s snowy hometown of Eira than for Nighthaven, or even Windymere. Senka Appearance: As a Shadow she has wavy black hair and wolf-like gold eyes. Folds: Her folds are thick, black and plum in color. She usually molds them into simple robes. Sexual Orientation: Straight or bisexual, dominant. Senka feels uncomfortable and conflicted in court, feeling as if she is half-in, half-out. Most of the court have at least heard of Circe, but they don’t know much about her, only that she was Hecate’s apprentice and had some sort of fling with Astor before disappearing. Hecate also begins showing interest in Senka. So, Senka feels like she has a reputation despite not having actually done anything. She sticks close to Nyx, but stays out of court affairs until she begins to fall for Artemis Moonforest. Noire Appearance: As a Shadow, Noire has glossy black hair and silver eyes. Folds: Her folds are thick, black and scarlet. She likes to mold them into fancy dresses, with a more modern bent than many of the other court ladies. Sexual Orientation: Straight, vanilla. The court is practically Noire’s dream come true. Its pomp and circumstance, fancy outfits, parties, food, and intrigue is absolutely intoxicating to her. She quickly attempts to make friends with Amelia, Salome, Victoria, and Elvira. In some ways, she provides Nyx with a social bridge to the court, more so than Astor does. She’s equally new to it, but much more social and without the connotations of being the Prince’s mate. Noire has a bit of a crush on Theo, but she’s also drawn to Orphe, and does her best to bring Orphe out of his shell. Vincent “Vince” Blackstone Appearance: Vince has shoulder-length blond hair, crystalline blue eyes, and childlike facial features. Folds: His folds are thick, black, and emerald-green. He’ll have them molded into fine robes or something equally distinguished-looking. Sexual Orientation: ??? The youngest member of the court, who is the sole heir to Umbragard’s jewel industry. His parents mysteriously died when he was too young to remember, and there are rumors of a disturbing curse involved. His gigantic extended family helps him manage the estate, but it’s likely that some of them are hoping to usurp it for themselves. Eidolon attempts to help Vince in any way he can, sending him advisors to help him survive the politics and economics of his estate. Vince is usually seen chaperoned by his butler and doesn’t interact with the other lords and ladies very much. He isn’t very close to Astor, but they share a similar sense of being completely overwhelmed by their responsibilities. Silver Spiritshade Appearance: Silver has long and straight silver hair, and deep purple eyes. He comes across as extremely ethereal, and perhaps his ears are… pointy? Folds: His folds are of medium thickness, black and indigo. He usually wears simple, open shirts or tunics with silver trim. Sexual Orientation: Gay or bisexual, dominant A mysterious Shadow who definitely has Fey blood. No one knows exactly who he is or how he became a member of the court. Nothing about him seems particularly trustworthy, but he’s amiable and the other Shadows end up liking him anyway. His ethereal beauty is such that he is able to seduce Astor with minimal effort, which is saying something. Fell Shadestone: Appearance: Fell has long teal hair, sometimes braided, and white eyes with vertical pupils. They appear almost perfectly androgynous, but they like wearing makeup. Folds: Black and mint-green, pretty thick, usually molded into heavy, elegant robes. Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Fell is quiet and mysterious, often lurking in the background, and more interested in the conversations and duties of the adults in Eidolon’s court. They feel ambivalent about Astor, seeing him as a bit too intense and volatile for their taste, but also recognizing that it’s advantageous to “suck up to him.” They’re quite a skilled magician, and they’re one of the members of the elite Black Circle If they and Astor end up bonding, it’ll probably be over magic. (To be continued.)