Workshops for Parents & Teachers
Wendy McLean presents topics such as The Science of Success, Creating a Growth Mindset, Character in Education, and Building Community. Contact her to discuss how she can best meet your needs.
Workshops for Parents
Coming from her own parenting struggles, Wendy sympathizes with the intensity of forever nurturing the best in our children. She's learned how to make it easier and wants to share her secrets with you! That's why Wendy's workshops capitalize on the latest science to show you proven methods that work! With a little investment of focused attention and practice we can become happier, healthier and more successful parents, thus cultivating the same well-being and achievement in our children! From bedtime routines to homework, bullying to self-regulation, she's ready to answer your questions with solutions that work. Please contact Wendy about leading a workshop for parents at your school, home or center.
School Presentations Programming
Wendy has worked in elementary, middle and high schools, collaborating with faculty on programming and curriculum for greater well-being of students and teachers. She has given presentations most often on Growth Mindset and Character Strengths, all well-received by the community. Often seen as the "softer skills," well-being and character are often a last priority in the mainstream push for achievement and test-scores. The latest science proves otherwise! Well-being is a requirement for student success in college and beyond. Even better, it can also have an immediate impact by decreasing bullying and discipline issues while increasing engagement and improving school culture. Wendy is happy to meet with you to create a customized program that best meets the needs of your school or classroom.
You can make a difference in children's lives! No matter their age, it's never too late to start! Make it happen today.
"So informative and motivating.  Felt like you skimmed the tip of the iceberg – fascinating. Thanks for all of this valuable information." ~Parenting Class~
Lynn B.
"Taking the conscious time to find peace and joy in my own heart is so essential to being a joyful parent! Thank you for helping me to remember that!"
Rebecca K.
"It is so helpful to hear encouragement on being a good parent, positive reinforcement for a parent! And the tools to help continue on the right path."Â
~Parenting Class~
Cathy D.
A Welcome Perspective
The Wisdom of Children
Today's kids are wired differently and their parents and teachers are finding the old, traditional techniques just don't work anymore. I believe children are leading us all to a more heart-centered way of being; a world with more intuitive decision-making, authentic relationships, and celebration of creativity. They remind us all that we yearn to be honored for our uniqueness, loved for our imperfection, and seen for our gifts. By learning to honor children's emotions, their creativity and their individual strengths, adults can invite the joy of watching them flourish with well-being and the fun of guiding them to their sweet spot of success - connecting their unique strengths and individual achievements to meet the world's greatest needs.