From favorite books and websites to inspiring videos,
here are some resources that may be useful to you. Enjoy!
Favorite Websites

VIA Institute on Character - Free Strengths Survey for adults & kids
Institute of HeartMath - reduce stress & increase enjoyment.
Enjoy Parenting - blog by Scott Noelle
Hands Free Mama - blog by Rachel Macy Stafford
CT-ASRC – CT Autism Spectrum Resource Center
Greater Good Science Center - the science of a meaningful life
KarmaTube - inspirational stories
Big Think YouTube Channel - expert-driven, actionable, educational content
Calm - an app for meditation and sleep
Mindful - making life more mindful
Common Sense Media – reviews for all electronic media, appropriateness by age.
GenerationOn - ideas for families to give back, volunteering together.
Lots a Helping Hands - Create a private care community.
Health, Wellness, and Mindfulness Resources for Home by U.S. Career Institute
Favorite Books

"Creative Schools"by Ken Robinson
"Love 2.0" by Barbara Fredrickson
"Before Happiness" by Shawn Achor
"Character Strengths Matter" by Shannon Polly & Katheryn Britton
"How Children Succeed" by Paul Tough
"Flourish" by Martin E.P. Seligman
"The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness" by Edward M. Hallowell
"The Conscious Parent" by Shefali Tsabary, PhD
"Simplicity Parenting" by Kim John Payne
"Parenting from the Inside Out" by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Mary Hartzell, M.Ed.
"The Five Love Languages of Children" by Gary Chapman, Ph.D and Ross Campbell, M.D.
"Confident Parents, Remarkable Kids" by Bonnie Harris, M.S.Ed.
"The Wise Child" by Sonia Choquette
"The Law of Attraction" from Abraham-Hicks as written about in books by Ester and Jerry Hicks
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
"7 Spiritual Laws of Parenting" by Deepak Chopra
"Loving What Is" by Byron Katie
Positive Education
Positive Education

Bring on the learning revolution! | Ken Robinson

Want to Bring Out The Best in People? Start With Strengths | Chris Wejr | TEDxLangleyED

The Science of Character

Brené Brown | Daring Classrooms | SXSWedu 2017

Martin Seligman - Positive Education

Playing to Our Strengths: Neurodiversity & Education | Christy Hutton | TEDxSantaCruz

LeighAndria Young "6:58" poem

How to escape education's death valley | Sir Ken Robinson | TED
Positive Psychology & similar
Positive Psychology & similar

Laurie Santos: Psychology and the Good Life

Paul Zak: Trust, morality - and oxytocin

The Science of Character

The happy secret to better work | Shawn Achor

My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor | TED

Longevity Secrets From Blue Zones' Dan Buettner

Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are | Amy Cuddy | TED

Happy by Design: Scott Simon and Jen Margolis at TEDxCLE 2013
Inspiration for Parents
Inspiration for Parents

The Next Mozart? 6-Year Old Piano Prodigy Wows All

Anita Renfroe | William Tell Momisms | Official Version

(Pachebel) Canon in D - Sungha Jung

3 year old Jonathan conducting to the 4th movement of Beethoven's 5th Symphony

I Believe She's Amazing Flash Mob - Toronto Eaton Centre

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