Are You Thriving?
Do you regularly bring out the innate wisdom, strength, creativity and solutions within you?Â
Let Wendy make it easier to realize your highest potential!
Create Positive Change in Your Life
Wendy McLean provides expert advice and insights to support you in a new journey - one that redefines success, creates deeper connections, celebrates passion, cultivates creativity and propels you towards your goals!
Discover This Revolution for the Mind
Why aren't we all already thriving?  This new knowledge platform aims to use network and collaborative technology to enable the best in humanity. We already have most solutions we need to solve any problem. Let's empower people with the freedom to seek answers, to explore shared knowledge, and to take their own steps toward a better life.

Make Well-Being Part of Your Curriculum
Using the science of Positive Psychology, Character Strengths, GRIT and Growth Mindsets, Wendy builds a custom program for students, teachers and parents that dives into the needs of your community. Packed with practical tips and useful skills to reduce bullying, increase class engagement and improve overall success, attendees gain a positive mindset and the tools to create positive change.

Finding Unshakable Happiness
Newly Published!
Craft Your Best Life
In response to the world’s need for more collective and individual happiness, this collaboration of 25 essays explores the research and practice of flourishing! When we utilize our strengths and choose how to respond to life’s challenges, we reclaim our story and our freedom to find happiness again and again. Read one chapter for quick insights or embark on a path from beginning to end for all the wisdom this book has to offer.

Create a Better Tomorrow Now
For parents and teachers!  Raising responsible, intelligent, well-adjusted children is the toughest job we will ever have. In this course, Wendy shares over 20 science-based tools, requiring only a few minutes each, to empower your kids toward a lifetime of flourishing!
"So informative and motivating.  Felt like you skimmed the tip of the iceberg – fascinating. Thanks for all of this valuable information." ~Parenting Class~
Lynn B.
"Taking the conscious time to find peace and joy in my own heart is so essential to being a joyful parent! Thank you for helping me to remember that!"
Rebecca K.
"Wendy is a very caring, compassionate, skilled facilitator of healing. She helps guide you to discover your own core issue(s) and then helps you release and clear it (them). After my session, I felt a powerful transformation."Â
~Coaching Session~
JoAnn Duncan,
Reiki Master Teacher