All About Wendy McLean
Creator of Everyone's Wisdom®
300-hr Certification in Positive Psychology (CiPP)
Parenting Coach & Teacher, Creator of "The Science of Success" online course
Energy Healer, Reiki, Level II certification
Dancer, Certified JourneyDanceâ„¢ Teacher
Contributing Author, "Finding Unshakable Happiness" book
27 year meditation & yoga practice
Wendy is your guide for greater self-actualization.
She is the founder and creator of Everyone's Wisdom®, a collaborative effort to curate the knowledge, happiness, and actions ​and to enable human thriving and a flourishing ecosystem for all life.
For over a decade, she has been speaking to and leading workshops for women, teachers, parents and families. Coming from her own health and parenting struggles, Wendy sympathizes with the intensity of forever nurturing the best in our family members and in ourselves. The lastest science has made it easier, proving that with a little focus, attention and practice we can become happier, healthier and have greater well-being while achieving even greater success. The shift comes with in simply knowing we can; the work is in choosing to making it happen.
Positive Psychology and the science of happiness gives us a plethora of tools. In her workshops and classes, Wendy distills it all, showing you how a few minutes a day is enough to provide each and every one of us what is needed to become our very best, ideal self. It's never too late to start! She offers an online course "The Science of Success" available worldwide and occasional courses locally.
Wendy brings her passion for all things positive, joy from raising two girls, energy healing work and knowledge from extensive personal study to her coaching, workshops and courses.
"So informative and motivating.  Felt like you skimmed the tip of the iceberg – fascinating. Thanks for all of this valuable information." ~Parenting Class~
Lynn B.
"Taking the conscious time to find peace and joy in my own heart is so essential to being a joyful parent! Thank you for helping me to remember that!"
Rebecca K.
"Wendy is a very caring, compassionate, skilled facilitator of healing. She helps guide you to discover your own core issue(s) and then helps you release and clear it (them). After my session, I felt a powerful transformation."Â
~Coaching Session~